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We've lived the lover's passion
Oh love, let us live it again
to be held in your presence
oh my sweet heart beat, still
imprison me in your arms
oh my sweet darling
how willst I prove my love for you
in my ever flowing words?
my soft gentle touch on your face?
or perhaps within my eyes lit with eternal love for you
however our love be shown,
it is felt within our hearts
and nevertheless our travailing longing to be together
In a day you stole my heart
and may our love forever whisper in the wind
may you take joy in the sweetest sensations of Nature
and let it be sentient to your knowledge both, secularly and spiritually
that you can see my love in my rhyme, in my poem
in any circumstance that comes to mind
because you hold my love in your heart
and that is where the meaning lies within

May we ALWAYS recognize how we're both so very blessed!

  A Comforting Message
a comforter to all who wonder if someone cares
and i pray that you may marvel
that yes, even a stranger unto I
who is not knowledgable of your existence
does love you
no sin, or curse could ever taint my love
know within your soul i will always love you
nomatter what you choose, or where your headed
you are always worthy of my love
and i will always be there for you
you shall never feel alone from this moment forth
i am here
i am not a mere figment of your imagination
i live as you live
i love as you love
i am a real teenager going through the same circumstances as you
and i tell you now i will love you forever more
you are worth every cent i will ever make
every second of every day i live
and your worth every breath of air i take
never forget your importance my friend
and please always reach out for my love
until the time comes that we shall meet
know always in your heart..
that you ARE loved
and you will always have someone with you!

This world is ours to mold as we please
we hold it within the palm of our hands
what will we do today to change the world
which curtain shall we draw back to reveal the light
will our souls be free
to fly through the skies
soar above the clouds
the children will run freely,
barefoot through the sands
parents' worry will fade in the light
the world will be filled with love
think of the happiness that would come
if each of us only reached out to lift each other
the truth and serenity of the world
will always be found in the sunset
there will no longer be hearts in pain
only happiness will radiate from each persons soul
we each have two hands and one heart
with these gifts we can turn this world around
hold faith and love close to your heart forever my friend.
It Is Time!

The Truth Never Fails
no matter who or what else fails in my life
I can not!
I must stand tall forever
never yielding to that horrible tempest
I have arisen from that dark hole
never to return again
my heart is striving to follow
an unmistakable power
I love it, and it will never fail
I will give my life for him
as he did for me
and I will not fail
forever remaining strong in my faith
you will find me
always in the darkest places on earth
tending to his damaged loved ones
bringing them back to safety
if you need me, you will find me
when i return the work will be done
find the truth my friend
I can help and heal you

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